Farzana Nawaz, Shahida Sultan, Ilyas Siddiqi.
Pregnancy outcome in primigravida complicated with pregnancy induced hypertension.
J Med Sci Jun ;22(1):46-8.

Objective: To evaluate pregnancy outcomes in primigravida women complicated with pregnancy induced hypertension. Material and Methods: This descriptive-analytic study was performed on 80 hypertensive primigravida women who were referred to Obs / Gynae Unit-C of Hayatabad Medical Complex, Peshawar from January 2012 to December 2012. They were compared for maternal and perinatal outcomes. The data was analyzed by SPSS software. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: In this study, all women irrespective of their age and delivery mode were included in the study that had presented with their first pregnancy and were hypertensive. Gestational age was significantly lower in these women,especially in those with severe preeclampsia. Serum creatinine level more than 1.2 mg/dl was significantly higher in mild and severe preeclampsia groups. Significant differences were found in neonatal APGAR score, need of resuscitation, NICU admission, birth weight and length, LBW and intrauterine growth retardation between the studied groups. Conclusion: Maternal and fetal-neonatal complications mostly appear in pregnancy complicated with pregnancy induced hypertension especially in severe preeclampsia.

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