Faisal Bashir, Zulfiqar Ali, Syed Ali Naqi.
Post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage and pain in dissection and diathermy methods of tonsillectomy.
J Med Sci Jun ;21(4):174-6.

Objective: To compare the frequency of post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage and severity of pain by Dissection and Diathermy method of tonsillectomy. Material and Methods: All the cases (100) that presented during six months of duration were included in the study by Simple Random Sampling in the Department of ENT and Head and Neck Surgery, Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi from November 2009 to April 2010. The study design was randomized control trial. They were divided into two groups A and B fifty each. Tonsillectomy done in group A by dissection method and group B by diathermy method. Pain and bleeding was compared in both groups during post operative hospital stay and 7th day follow up in outpatient. Results: Results are significant for post operative pain. Post-operative pain in dissection method is less than that of Diathermy method. However, no significant difference is noted in post operative hemorrhage in these two techniques. Conclusion: Dissection method is safer than diathermy method regarding post operative pain while bleeding was slightly greater in diathermy method.

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