Mansoor ul Aziz, Masood Zakai, Khalil Khan.
Caries status among Children Aged 12-16 in 4 Districts of Karachi.
Ann Abbasi Shaheed Hosp Karachi Med Dent Coll Jun ;7(2):365-8.

Owing to the global problem of dental caries and its marked variation among children of different socio-economic groups, we have conducted a survey and data collection of 800 school children of Karachi city divided into 4 districts i.e. South, West, East and Central. Socio-economic status is a valuable measure in many health studies because it is so closely correlated with many health related characteristics. Attitudes toward health are often part of the set of values that follow from an individual`s prestige in society and may explain some of the observed differences in health between socio-economic groups.

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