Muhammad Hussnain, Zamir Ahmad, Mubashir Ali, Zafar Ali Chaudhary.
Chemoradiotherapy versis Radiotheraphy in locally advanced inoperable carcinoma Esophagus.
Pak Postgrad Med J Jun ;13(4):130-4.

From November 1997 to December 2001. forty one patients of locally advanced inoperable carcinoma of oesophagus were treated in the Department of radiotherapy Allama Iqbal Medical College, Lahore. Twenty two patients (Group A) received local radiotherapy with concurrent / sequential chemotherapy and nineteen patients (Group B) received local radiotherapy alone. The results were compared at six months and twelve months, after the treatment. Median survival with group A was 8.2 months and 7.6 months in group B.

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