Naeem Khan, Afzal Qadir, Nazli Gul, Maria Sultan, Nasreen Laiq, Nasir Saeed.
Atypical Retinoblastomas.
Ophthalmol Update Jun ;15(4):401-3.

Objective: The aim of the study is to determine atypical and unusual presentation of retinoblastoma seen in our institution. Study design: A retrospective case series. Place and duration of study: The study was carried out in the Department of Clinical Ophthalmology, Hayatabad Medical Complex (HMC) Peshawar form January 2010 to December 2016. Patient and Methods: A retrospective analysis of records of patient having retinoblastoma who were admitted during the study period was carried out. Thorough history points and clinical findings of the patients were recorded in a predesigned comprehensive proforma. Age, gender, presenting features in atypical retinoblastoma patients, laterality and duration of involvement were documented. Result :Two hundred and twenty seven (227) patients were admitted and were diagnosed as retinoblastoma during this period .Mean age of presentation was 40 months. Fifteen (6.6%) patients out of 227 had unusual presentation and were labeled as atypical retinoblastoma. Among these cases with atypical presentation with orbital and ocular inflammation 2.2% endophthamitis 1.7%, hyphaema 0.9%, complicated cataract (0.45%), glaucoma with hazy cornea (0.45%) and phthisical eye in 0.45% cases. Conclusion: Retinoblastoma can present in unusual ways, like orbital cellulitis, uveitis; ophthalmologists should have a high index of suspicion for retinoblastoma in cases which are un responsive to conventional therapy.

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