Riaz Qadeer, Rubina Salma Yasmin, Anwar-ul Haq.
Poisoning as Cause of Un-natural Deaths in Peshawar (KPK).
Ophthalmol Update Jun ;14(1):86-8.

Background: One of the aims of medico legal autopsy is to find out mode, manner and cause of death in any suspected unnatural death. The present study provides information that poisoning was found as the cause of unnatural death. Place of Study: Study was conducted in the department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology of Khyber Medical College, Peshawar. Methodology: This descriptive study consist of total 400 autopsies performed on all referred cases from the rural as well as from urban areas of Peshawar district during the period from 1st January 2013 to 23rd May 2013. Results: It was found out from the results that out of 400 cases 18 unnatural deaths (4.5%) were due to poisoning.

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