Muhammad Shahid Siddiqui, Lubna Fatima, Abdul Rehman Khatri, Suhail Muzaffar, Mohammad Saeed Quraishy.
Colonic Lipoma.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak Jun ;13(5):291-2.

Lipoma of the colon is rare and may lead to intestinal obstruction. We have presented two cases of colonic lipoma. Both were elderly females, one presented with diarrhea and the other with sub-acute intestinal obstruction. After colonoscopy surgical removal was done. Histopathology revealed lipoma.

Case Report: A 50 years old female attended the outpatient clinic at the Karachi Adventist Hospital with the complaints of on and off diarrhea for the last four years. There were three to four episodes of loose stools mixed with mucous but not blood. There was no history of abdominal pain. Exertional dyspnoea was present. Her past medical history was uneventful except for a cholecystectomy. General physical examination was unremarkable. She underwent colonoscopy on the same day, which revealed a solitary pedunculated polyp in the transverse colon at the hepatic flexure. Biopsy could not be done due to its location at the angle and right hemicolectomy was performed. Gross examination showed a polypoid mass, which measured 5x3.5x3 cms. Cut surface was soft and yellowish, microscopy showed an encapsulated tumor in the submucosa composed of mature fat cells with no evidence of malignancy.

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