Masud Ul Haq, Zahid Ameer, Samina Mansoor.
Langerhan`s Cell Histiocytosis Presenting as Bilateral Bleeding Nasal Polypi.
Pak J Otolaryngol Jun ;18(3):48-51.

Langerhan`s cell histiocytosis is a rare clinical entity. Cases have been described in medical literature affecting head and neck region. In this first reported case, a 40 years old male presented with recurrent epistaxis. On examination he had bilateral bleeding nasal polypi originating from the lateral nasal wall in the middle meatus region, proceeding backward towards the nasopharynx as well as anteriorly, filling the nasal cavity completely with bilateral submandibular lymphadenopathy: Diagnosis was made on histopatohlogy and using special immunohistochemical stains (S-100 positive). Surgical curettage, steroids, cytotoxic chemotherapy and low dose radiotherapy, 7x2 Gy in 4 fractions to the head and neck region achieved local control of the disease fairly rapidly.

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