Sadia Mujtaba Khan, Shahid Bashir, Fatima Zahid, Anam Naveed, Aroosa Iqbal.
Determinants of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus at Tertiary Care Hospital of Lahore.
Asian J Allied Health Sci Jun ;3(2):34-8.

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is defined as glucose intolerance of varying degree with onset or first recognition during pregnancy. Prevalence of GDM is known to vary widely depending on the region of the country, dietary habits, and socio-economic status. Objective: To find out the determinants of gestational diabetes mellitus at Tertiary Care Hospitals of Lahore. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital and Lady Willington Hospital, Lahore on 100 clinically diagnosed GDM patients Data were collected through pretested questionnaires. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 21.0. Results: Among the individuals 79% were having family history of diabetes, while 67% of individuals were taking stress and 99% of individual were physically inactive. 70% females were aged between 20-30 years, 85% of females had Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than 25 which was one of the main determinant of gestational diabetes, 48% females were belonging to middle class families. Conclusions: According to the findings of current study, socioeconomic status, family history and physical inactivity were major risk factors of gestational diabetes mellitus. BMI was also a main risk factor of gestational diabetes mellitus.

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