Saniya Sohail, Muhammad Jamal, Waheed Ghaffar Bari, Muhammad Mudassar Saleem.
Knowledge, attitude and working habits concerning infection control measures among dental staff of Islamabad dental hospital.
Pak Oral Dental J Jun ;39(2):164-6.

Catching of infection is a major threat to the dental staff in routine dental practice. Dentists are at a high risk of intercepting infections due to high level of aerosols associated with the dental rotary instruments, exposure of infectious material such as blood and body fluids, either by direct contact upon a needle stick injury or indirectly through the contaminated instruments or improperly disposed waste. Infection control is of a paramount importance in a dental setting to the extent that its necessity can no longer be questioned. The objective of this cross-sectional study was to assess the knowledge, attitude and working habits of dental staff working at Islamabad Dental Hospital. The objective was assessed via a questionnaire filled out by 175 dentists at IDH. With analysis by SPSS version 17, the results showed varying responses in each domain of knowledge, attitude and working habits. 171 dentists showed the adequate knowledge of the temperature required for autoclaving while 161 appeared to know the importance of isolation in infection control. Moreover, 169 out of 175 practically disposed off their gloves appropriately after the usage which shows that the attitude and knowledge of the dental staff is adequate while efforts need to be made in order to correct and improve the working habits for which educatory steps should be taken to refurbish the existing knowledge relating to the infection control amongst the dental staff in Islamabad Dental Hospital.

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