Areeba Iftikhar, Muhammad Arif, Saima Bibi, Asif Hanif.
Factors Affecting Quality of Sleep in Intensive Care Units of Gulab Devi Chest Hospital and Hameed Latif Hospital, Lahore.
Pak J Physical Therapy Jun ;1(3):25-8.

Highlights: Quality of sleep is effected by environmental stimuli. The environmental etiologies of sleep disruption in Intensive Care Unit are multifactorial. Abstract: Sleep disruption etiology in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is poorly understood and overlooked. It may be related to environmental stimuli especially noise, pain, human interventions and diagnostic testing which are disruptive to sleep. The environmental etiologies of sleep disruption in ICU are multi-factorial. Objective: To access the factors affecting the quality of sleep in patients admitted in intensive care units of Gulab Devi Chest Hospital and Hameed Latif Hospital, Lahore. Methodology: A cross sectional study was done after the approval of synopsis. Sample size of 150 was collected by using purposive simple random technique from patients of ICU and HDU in Gulab Devi Chest hospital and Hameed Latif hospital Lahore. Data was collected by using Freedman questionnaire and analyzed through SPSS 16.0 version. Mean and standard deviation of age, gender and frequency and valid percent of rest of variables were drawn. Results: Mean age of patients were 50.46+ 10.96 years. 53.33% were male 46.67% were female participated in this study. The sleep in ICU was significantly poor than at home. On analysis 54.67% patient had poor quality of sleep in ICU due to pain and 48.67% had poor sleep quality due to noise of environmental stimuli. Conclusions: The relationship between the poor sleep in critically ill patients and their ultimate outcomes remains unknown but potentially important. Reduced sleep quality is a common problem in ICU with multi- factorial etiology. Patient report poor sleep quality in ICU due to environmental factors that are potentially modifiable.

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