Siddique Akbar Satti, Tariq Mehmood Satti, Sumbal Rasheed.
An audit of guided percutaneous needle aspiration of liver abscess.
Pak J Med Res Jun ;40(1):0-.

A prospective study was undertaken to determine the results of needle aspiration under ultrasound guidance together with amoebicidal and antibiotic therapy. The study reports experience of 50 cases of liver abscess admitted in the medical wards of Capital Hospital, Islamabad from January 1994 to December 1999. In all these cases, diagnosis was based on clinical findings, abdominal ultrasound appearance, bacteriological cultures and serological tests. 86% of these were males and 14% were females. Age range was 10 years to 69 years. Majority of the patients had amoebic liver abscess. None of the patients developed any complication requiring surgical exploration. There was no mortality in this study. It is concluded that needle aspiration of liver abscess under ultrasound guidance together with amoebicidal and antibiotic therapy is safe, quick and effective method of treating liver abscess, than blind procedure or open surgery

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