Alyna Hafeez.
Awareness and Practice regarding Myopia among Visitors Attending Public Sector Hospital of Karachi.
J Dow Uni Health Sci Jun ;13(3):148-53.

Objective: To determine the associated factors, awareness and practices regarding myopia in the general population attending outpatient department of Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Centre, Karachi.Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among visitors coming to outpatient department of Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Centre, Karachi, Pakistan from October to December 2018. General population (attendants and patients coming for check-ups) aged 16-40 years of either gender were consecutively enrolled. Information regarding participant's eyesight, awareness and practices towards myopia were noted.Results: Of 365 participants, majority of the participants (n=158, 43.3%) were myopic. Among these myopic, a small number of individuals (n=38, 24.05%) got their eyesight checked. A significant association of eyesight checked by doctor was found with presence of myopia (p-value <0.001) and educational status (p-value 0.001). Moreover, 170 (46.6%) do nothing to prevent/counteract myopia and has statistically significant relationship with educational status (p-value 0.038).Conclusion: This study has revealed dearth of awareness regarding myopia amongst people. Moreover, majority of the participants were least concerned about their eye health. A dire need of awareness is required among general population as the findings revealed essential role of educational status in awareness and correct practices.

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