Wajeeha Khalid, Sidra Zahid, Jamaluddin M, Muhammad Tanveer Alam.
A cross sectional study- knowledge, attitudes and practices of general population regarding herbal products and dietary supplements in Karachi.
Pak J Surg Jun ;35(2):106-13.

Objectives: To determine the prevalence of the use of herbal products and dietary supplements, and assess public perception regarding these products. Material and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in all the six districts of Karachi (a metropolitan city of Pakistan) using a Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices survey questionnaire. Participants were given the questionnaires in English to fill out anonymously and the questionnaires collected upon completion. Respondents not comfortable with English were provided the aid of an interpreter conversant in regional languages. Data gathered from the survey was entered into SPSS version 20.0 for analysis. Results: Use of herbal products and dietary supplements was widespread in the sample (1193, 82.3%). A desire to improve health status (p<0.001) and younger age (p<0.001) significantly correlated with use of supplements, while gender (p>0.409) and education levels (p>0.005) were not significant predictors. Conclusion: Cultural and religious beliefs were found to be the chief forces in determining individuals` attitudes to complementary and alternative medicine. The majority of respondents perceived herbal products and dietary supplements to be safe for consumption. The use of herbal products and dietary supplements and is common among the Pakistani population. Since a large portion of the supplement industry in the country operates unregulated, there is a pressing need for increased government oversight to ensure public safety.

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