Shikoh Naz, Syed Muhammad Zulfiqar Hyder Naqvi, Syed Imtiaz Ahmed Jafry, Saima Asim.
Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding management of health care waste among private dental practitioners..
J Pak Med Assoc Jun ;70(7):1259-62.

A knowledge, attitude and practice cross-sectional survey was conducted among dental practitioners doing private practice in district central, Karachi after checking eligibility and taking their written informed consent. The practitioners were interviewed by the principal investigator with the help of a pre-tested structured questionnaire developed specifically for this study. The study results revealed that 175(88.8%) of the participants were aware that waste management guidelines are applicable to them, 184(93.4%) were aware that healthcare waste is a source of infection whereas 145(73.6%) were aware about the colour coding of healthcare waste bags/containers. Moreover, 165(84.1%) thought that health care waste disposal protocol lessens the chance of injuries and infections whereas 182(92.0%) were in favour of the need to continue medical education about health care waste management. It is recommended that healthcare waste should be segregated and disposed of in a safe manner to protect the people at risk and the environment.

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