Shaista Aslam.
Endocrine Events Involved in Puberty: a Revisit to Existing Knowledge.
Life Science Jun ;1(1):37-49.

Puberty is a multifaceted complex phenomenon, comprised of a series of events, controlled by hormones and other regulatory factors. It is the transition period between childhood and adolescence with key important changes occurring in physical, biological, cognitive, psychological and social spheres of an individuals life. These changes are not only important in the personal life of an individual but also affect his/her relationship with others in the society. The interaction between the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary is crucial for the onset of puberty. Leptin, secreted by adipocytes, provides the first signal to the hypothalamus that sufficient energy reserves are present to initiate the process of puberty. These signals are followed by a cascade of hormonal changes broadly referred to as adrenarche, gonadarche, and a puberty growth spurt. This is an overview of the current state of knowledge in the hormonal regulation of the events leading to puberty.

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