Muhammad Owais Hashmat, Dureshahwar Kanwar, Iffat Khanum Khanum.
Chikungunya Encephalitis: Usual presentation at an unusual time. a case report.
Pak J Neurological Sci Jun ;15(1):43-4.

CHIK is an arboviral infection caused by chikungunya virus transmitted by Aedes mosquito worldwide. It usually manifests as a self-limiting acute febrile illness with rash, body ache and severe polyarthralgia; in some patients, symptoms persist up to months or even years. Neurological manifestations are relatively uncommon. In recent years Pakistan and other South East Asian countries have been hit several times by its epidemics1. We report a case of a middle-aged male who presented in our hospital with acute febrile illness along with neurological manifestations. Extensive laboratory investigations were done and he was diagnosed with seropositive CHIKV. He was treated symptomatically and recovered without any complication. Although previously cases of chikungunya meningoencephalitis have been reported in Pakistan during epidemics; such cases sporadically have not been reported so far1.

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