Tajwar Sultana, Safila Naveed, Allah Nawaz, Jibran Sualeh, Syed Faisal Zaidi, Mushtaq Ebrahim, Tanweer Alam, Khan Usmanghani.
The Use of Cissus quadrangularis in the Management of Left Tibia Fracture: a case report.
RADS J Pharm Pharmaceut Sci Jun ;4(1):117-22.

Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the efficacy of herbal dosage form design for the leg fracture of a young 19 years boy. Clinical features: The case include 19 year young boy who presented with leg fractures due to motor bike accident. He suffered from severe pain and was unable to walk. His leg was swollen and he felt pain even to put little pressure on it. He suffered from this ailment since last few months and was taking regular medication but there was no improvement in his symptoms. Conclusion: To our experience, the young patients’ fracture had speed-up healing while using herbal remedy Cissus quadrangularis tablet and lotion for 7-10 days. This might give clue that this herbal remedy not only play a role in pain control, but also to reduce inflammation and as well as accelerate bone healing for certain fracture cases. Further experimental studies are warranted to examine the efficacy of this herbal remedy for healing bone fracture in the different age group patients.

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