Tanzeela Kausar, Sanam Chandio, Iram Quddus, Ghulam Sarwar Qureshi, Zafar Haleem Baloch, Anam Pario.
Effectiveness of Teaching with Visualisation Table in Comparison to Traditional Lecture in Anatomy Department, Jinnah Sindh Medical University..
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak Jun ;30(10):1074-7.

To determine the effectiveness of Sectra visualisation table (SVT) in a public sector setup and to compare the traditional (TRAD) lecture with SVT-aided teaching in terms of learning outcomes and students' perception regarding SVT. Cross-sectional study. Jinnah Sindh Medical University, from October to November 2018. Entire batch of BDS (Bachelors of Dental Surgery) i.e. 50 students were randomly distributed in TRAD and SVT groups, both were exposed to 3 sessions of 1-hour duration. TRAD group attended lecture sessions; whereas SVT group were exposed to SVT-aided teaching. Test was conducted at the end of each session. To compare the scores, independent sample t test was done. Percentages of feedback of SVT group was obtained on Microsoft excel. VAK questionnaire was used to identify learning styles of SVT group, and its association with their performance was obtained by chi square test. Scores of MCQs test between the groups showed non-significant difference (p = 0.24). Positive feedback was obtained in favour of SVT. Students of SVT group exposed to visual style of learning performed better. SVT cannot totally replace traditional lecture, although it is a promising tool which can be introduced in the curriculum to enrich the learning experience of students. Key Words: Traditional method, Sectra visualisation table, MCQs test, Feedback, Learning style.

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