Ziad Khan, Rooh-ul Muqim, Rooh-ul Muqim, Muhammad Zarin, Asad Maroof, Muslih-ud Din, Zubair Ahmad.
Klippel-tranaunay syndrome with bleeding per rectum as a major surgical concern. a case report.
J Med Sci Jun ;28(4):384-6.

This case of Klippel-Tranaunay syndrome (KTS) is being shared as a clinical experience for future reference regarding the presentation and management of bleeding per rectum in KTS. Bleeding per rectum is a potentially lethal complication due to the colorectal hemangiomas in rare cases of KTS. Decision making regarding the choice of treatment in these patients is subject to many variables and different methods of medical and surgical treatments have been attempted and published in the literature. We are sharing our experience of surgical treatment for bleeding per rectum in KTS with satisfactory early postoperative outcome.

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