Hasan Abbas.
The awareness of allied health professionals regarding role of physical therapy in in-patient setting.
Pak J Rehabil Jun ;10(1):106-14.

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In order to deliver effective treatment, the awareness of physical therapy is essential for the health care professionals. However, there is lack of cognizance among Allied Health Professionals who play a substantial contribution to patient care. Thus, the aim of conducting this study is to explore the perception about the field of physical therapy among Allied Health Professionals that may lead to improved health-related outcomes of the patients consequently increasing their quality of life. METHODOLOGY: The cross-sectional survey was conducted on Allied Health Professionals, recruited through the non-probability convenience sampling technique. The data was collected through self-administered questionnaire.   RESULTS: It was revealed that 95% of the participants were aware about physiotherapy and its importance, 85.6% suggested that awareness session for physiotherapy should be conducted for medical professionals, 87.3% were eager to encourage their friends and family to choose the profession as physiotherapist. Further, 83.5% think that physiotherapist contributes to the well-being of individuals, 85.6% were willing to have physiotherapy. However, 20% were not interested in physiotherapy and related discussion.  CONCLUSION: It was concluded that majority of the participants were aware regarding the role of physiotherapy and its contribution towards the society. However, further researches should be conducted to explore the awareness related to different fields of rehabilitation among healthcare practitioners.    

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