Nazia Koser, Shahid Bashir, Amber Hassan, Rida Abbas.
Frequency of Self Medication among Participants of University of Lahore, Lahore Pakistan.
Asian J Allied Health Sci Jun ;4(3):52-7.

Self-medication is defined as the use of medicine which is not prescribed by a physician or doctor for treatment. It is also called as over the counter (OTC) medication. Objective: To estimate the frequency and prevalence of self medication among the University population of university of Lahore, Lahore Pakistan. Methods: The current study was cross-sectional performed to estimate the frequency and evaluate the self medication prevalence self among faculty members of university of Lahore, Lahore Pakistan. A self-medication questionnaire was used to collect data. More than 143 questionnaire were filled by faculty members from different departments and data were tabulated and analyzed by SPSS version 21.0. Conclusions: The study concluded that the people of university were not conscious about using self medication. Male students and students living with families were more aware than others. A large ratio of people were consuming drugs without doctor's instruction.

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