Qurat-ul Ain Ausaf, Aleena Shibli.
Comparing the efficacy of upper trapezius kinesiotaping and stretching exercises in patients with mechanical neck ache.
Pak J Rehabil Jun ;8(1):19-24.

BACKGROUND AND AIM: Globally, around one third of population is suffering from persistent neck pain and it is considered as 4th important source of disability in the population. Several treatment protocols are available now a day to facilitate patient recovery. Therefore, the aim of this study is to identify the effects of kinesiotaping in improving neck pain, upper trapezius muscle strength and functional disability. STUDY DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial. SAMPLE SIZE: 68 participants were recruited for the study. METHODOLOGY: All participants of age 18-40 years were assessed using assessment Performa. Pain intensity, upper trapezius muscle strength and Neck disability index were measured at baseline and after treatment sessions. Group A comprised of 34 participant, received Kinesiotaping and conventional physical therapy treatment whereas, equal number of participants were recruited in Group B that received upper trapezius stretching and conventional physical therapy. RESULT: The study revealed that both interventions (Kinesiotaping and stretching) were effective i.e., <0.05 in improving pain intensity, muscle strength and functional disability in patients with mechanical neck ache but significant improvement were recorded in group treated with kinesiotaping. CONCLUSION: The study concluded that both interventions are effective in improving pain intensity, muscle strength and neck disability index but kinesiotaping is more beneficial than stretching among patient with mechanical neck ache.

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