Muhammad Usman Khan, Alisha Noreen, Ramsha Kafeel, Yusra Sabahat.
Comparing the effects of inspiratory reserve volume in cigarette and shisha smokers by using spirometer.
Pak J Rehabil Jun ;4(2):38-44.

BACKGROUND: Shisha and cigarette are the two most common type of tobacco smoking. Cigarette and shisha smoking have grown fast in different ages globally. Shisha and cigarette both contain chemicals that affect health badly and can cause common diseases such as cough and some life threatening diseases like cancer, emphysema and bronchitis also affect bones causing osteoporosis and decrease functional capacities of lung. There are no proper guidelines for the awareness of the public about the hazards of shisha smoking as they are present for cigarette smoking but it’s a fact that shisha smoking is as harmful as cigarette smoking. OBJECTIVES: To compare the effect of Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV) on shisha and cigarette smokers by using spirometer. STUDY DESIGN: AND SAMPLING TECHNIQUE" Cross-sectional survey was steered, convenient sampling was used. STUDY SETTINGS & PARTICIPANTS: The study was conducted on 50 participants of Ziauddin College of Nursing and Ziauddin College of Physical Therapy RESULTS: IRV is more compromised in shisha smokers than in cigarette smokers. As far as deciding between health concerning effects of shisha and cigarette smokers, the shisha smoking effects are same as cigarette smoking. CONCLUSION: Shisha smokers have more exposure to tobacco than cigarette smokers. IRV is disturbed by both means of smoking but shisha smoking has more potential risks.

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