Shumaela Kanwal, Hamid Javaid Qureshi, Muhammad Sohail, Shahroona Masud.
Comparison of Anthropometric Measurements Between athlete and Non-Athlete Female Students.
J Akhtar Saeed Med Coll Jun ;1(1):20-3.

Background: Participation in sports and exercise has a variety of health related benefits. This study was planned to compare the anthropometric parameters between athlete and non-athlete female students. Subjects and methods: The study population consisted of 132 female students. of these, 66 were athletes and 66 were non- athletes. Weight and height of each participant were taken by standardized procedure. BMI of each subject was calculated using WHO criteria. Results: Results of the study showed that BMI was significantly low in athletes as compared to nonathletes (p-value?0.05). Height of athletic students was significantly more than non-athletic students while weight was non-significantly different between two groups. Regarding groups of BMI, more students were over-weight and obese in non-athletic groups compared to athletic group. Conclusion: It was concluded that weight and BMI are lower in athlete than non-athlete students. athlete students are taller than non-athlete students. Key Words: athletes, Body Mass index, Anthropometry

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