Nasreen Naz, Shabnum Abbas, Javerya Sattar, Ummey Aymen, Ghulam Abbas, Areej Fatima.
PPE and the Impact on the Performance During COVID 19 Pandemic - a Questionnaire Based Survey among Radiology Related Health Care Workers.
Pak J Radiol Jun ;31(3):141-6.

Objective: Personal protective equipment (PPE) is requisite for all health professionals including Radiology related health care workers(R-HCW) to protect against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2. Despite imparting protection, these PPEs may affect both technical and non technical performance on its wearer due to their prolong use. The rationale of this study is to evaluate the impact of using PPE on the performance of R-HCW during the radiological/imaging procedures. Methods: A pre designed online survey/questionnaire was forwarded to R-HCW via whatsapp / email. Through this survey, both demographic data and effect of PPE i.e (i) effect on technical skills/performance, (ii)impairment of vision during procedure and film reporting, (iii) effect on communication skills/decision making and (iv)increase in the level of fatigue/discomfort by using PPE was recorded. Results: There were 288 participants in this survey comprising 57 % male and 43 % female. Around 57 % R-HCW experienced technical limitations in radiological performance, 62 % reported visual impairments during procedures and film reporting and 85 % experienced increase in discomfort and level of fatigue. However communication skills and decision making was hampered in less than half of respondents i.e 44%. Conclusion : R-HCW experienced impediment in the performance of both technical and non technical skills due to PPEs while performing emergency procedures as well as elective procedures. The impact on the level of fatigue, discomfort and visual impairment was significant. Special attention is needed in this regard to avoid suboptimal performance among R-HCW.

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