Saeed Ullah, Saeedullah Jan, Saleem Abdul Sattar Khan, Riaz Khan, Muhammad Yahya Jan.
Postgraduate research and Medical libraries: an analytical study of the library of Postgraduate Medical Institute, Peshawar.
Pak J Surg Jun ;37(2):100-4.

Objective: The main objective of the study was to evaluate the Postgraduate Medical Institute library with respect to its services, resources, facilities, functions, and user`s satisfaction. Study Design: Survey method was used for the collection of data. Place and duration of the study: This study was conducted in Postgraduate Medical Institute Library of Peshawar from June-September 2020. Material and Methods: To conduct this study the researcher developed both open and closed ended questionnaire. The questionnaire was pre-tested among 10 senior Trainee Medical Officers (TMOs). The questionnaire was personally distributed by the researcher among the 300 doctors who were using the library for studying text books and review of literature. The response rate was 100%. The data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science version 20. Variables and type of analysis: Efforts were made to assess satisfaction of users with existing library services and resources at PGMI library Peshawar. Simple percentage is used as data analysis tool. Results: The results of the study showed that 90% of the users were satisfied with the resources and services. Eighty-five percent users` visited the library on daily basis. The study also showed that 60% of the users` utilized the library for studying preparation for postgrad examination purpose. High-speed internet and provision of electronic resources were reported as deficient. Conclusion: The result of the study showed that majority of the library users` satisfied from the library resources and services. The study will be helpful to the administration to improve the library resources & services to meet the demand of medical professionals.

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