Palwasha Gul, Islah-ud Din, Nosheen Kanwal.
Bezoar as a cause of gastric perforation in young female patient: a Case Report.
Pak J Surg Med Jun ;1(2):118-21.

Introduction: Bezoars are rare accumulations of indigestible contents within the gastrointestinal tract. These are commonly found in patients with previous psychiatric illness, learning disabilities, and gastric surgery. Computed tomography (CT) is the noninvasive imaging modality of choice as it can not only diagnose but recognize associated complications as well. Case discussion: We present a case of a young 16 years old female who presented with nausea, dull abdominal pain, and distension. She underwent a Contrast-enhanced CT scan and was diagnosed as a case of gastric bezoar with gastric perforation and frank pneumoperitoneum. The patient underwent exploratory laparotomy and repair of the stomach. Per operative, findings were consistent with trichobezoar. The patient recovered well after surgery. Discussion: Bezoar is an accumulation of partially digested foreign material in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Bezoar can occur in any part of GIT, however, are most common in the stomach. Multiple risk factors are recognized however can occur without the risk factor. Bezoars are classified into several main types. Proper clinical history, examination, and imaging can play an important role in its diagnosis. Conclusion: Nonspecific abdominal pain in young female patients with a psychiatric disorder can result from uncommon causes such as bezoars and is important for clinicians and radiologists to be aware of this uncommon entity.

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