Shaista Rashid, Tazeen Fatima Munim.
Management of Placenta Previa with Accreta: a Case Series in Public Tertiary Care Hospital.
Ann Abbasi Shaheed Hosp Karachi Med Dent Coll Jun ;25(3):182-5.

Placenta previa with accreta is a rare cause of major obstetric hemorrhage resulting in maternal morbidity and mortality. A case series of 08 patients of placenta previa with accreta presented at Abbasi Shaheed hospital Gynecology unit 1 from January 2018 to December 2018. Seven (07) patients were delivered by Caesarean Section and one vaginally. In 05 patients placenta was left in situ and injection methotrexate was given. Removal of placenta during Lower Segment Caesarean Section (LSCS) and bilateral internal iliac artery ligation was done in 02 cases. Febrile illness occurred in 02 patients. One patient required laparotomy on fifteenth postoperative day due to uterine scar dehiscence. Two cases required obstetrical hysterectomy due to torrential hemorrhage. Conservative management in women with placenta previa with accreta has proven to be successful in carefully selected cases at tertiary care hospital with multi-disciplinary team.

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