Hajra Asghar.
Transition from Conventional Teaching to Remote Setting in Health Education.
J Bahria Uni Med Dental Coll Jun ;11(4):190-190.

Dear Editor, The global pandemic has introduced uncertainty in almost all aspects of society; similarly it has caused a drastic transformation in the education field. The way students learn and the way knowledge is being delivered to them has all changed, as a result, education has been affected dramatically.1 Though this mode of online teaching results in healthy active interactions between students and their instructors contributing to critical thinking, problem solving attitude and hence better understanding of topics. The main advantage of this kind of hybrid learning is that students become selfdirected learners by high quality learning on their own irrespective of time. They are taking notes by their own and trying to get maximum benefits from this opportunity. With the distinctive rise of e-learning, everyone is striving to learn the technological transformation as to learn more efficiently in remote setting. On the other hand the slow learners have to work hard to understand the content which was available virtually. Furthermore despite of continuous access to presentations, course objectives, and recorded class debates round the clock, relatively weak student become more negligent towards attending and participating in remote setting

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