Kaleem Ullah Sheikh, Abeer Sarfaraz, Sana Sarfaraz, Tanveer Bano, Rahela Ikram.
Assessment of the co-relation between 1st set of Troponin I, age, duration of chest pain and LVEF in patients presenting with first STEMI and treatment protocol followed..
Pak J Pharm Sci Jun ;33(6):2793-9.

Coronary heart disease is the cause of 17.1 million deaths per year throughout the world. The rationale of this study was to determine the importance of 1st set of Troponin I in relation to age, duration of chest pain and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) in patients presenting with acute ST elevation myocardial infarction along with the treatment protocol followed in emergency. It was a cross sectional prospective observational study which was conducted at a tertiary care hospital, at the Cardiology department for a period of 12 months. All patients regardless of gender, aged between 30-80 years with co-morbidities were included presenting with acute STEMI. A total of 150 patients were included in this study with a mean age of 61.2±10.3 years out of which males were (71%). Around 61% of the people presented to emergency >12 hours after onset of chest pain. There was non-significant difference in the treatment protocol given to all patients. For statistical analysis SPSS 21 was applied and significant relationship was observed between age, duration of chest pain and LVEF (p value <0.05). It was seen in our population that people older than 50 years tend to present to emergency department late with chest pain symptoms which results in a linear rising relationship with Troponin I and with increasing Troponin I there was significant reduction seen in LVEF.

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