Naveed Ahmed, Iftikhar Ahmed, Safdar Awan, Omair Arshad Dar, Shehla Kanwal, Aqeel Safdar, Mudasir Saleem.
Gender assignment in complete androgen insensitivity syndrome. who should be the decision maker.
Pak Armed Forces Med J Jun ;70(5):1593-95.

Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is a condition in which the target cells are unable to respond to androgenic hormones. This inability can be complete or partial. Although the individual is a genetic male due to the presence of Y chromosome but clinical presentation can vary ranging from a complete male to full female habitus. There are also individuals that lie in between these two extremes depending upon the severity of the condition. Gender assignment in such patients poses a great challenge for the care givers, parents and the patients. We report a very rare case of 10-year old phenotypic female who presented in outpatient department with bilateral inguinal hernia and during management she turned out to be a patient of complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS).

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