Mohammad Imtiaz, Tahira S Lzhar, Noreen Akmal.
Maternal risk factors in early onset septicemia.
Pak Paed J Jun ;21(2):81-5.

Thus study was done to find out the association between the maternal risk factors like premature onset of labor (POL), prolonged rupture of membranes (PROM), and chorioamnionitis (CA) and subsequent development of early onset sepsis in the newborn. Of 129 patients studied 58 (44.96) developed sepsis. Premature onset of labor, prolonged rupture of membranes, and chorioamnionitis Present in 41(31.89%), 91(70.5%), 71(55.0%) respectively and sepsis developed in 30(73%), 42(46.5%), 1(51.47%) respectively. Two risk factors namely POL, ROM was present in 21 and 17(80.95%) babies developed sepsis. POL and CA was present in 13 and 12(92.30%) had sepsis. PROM and CA was present in 50 and 35(70%) had sepsis. Three risk factors POL, PROM, CA were present in 10 and 9(90%) developed sepsis. This indicates that presence of multiple maternal risk factors make a child more susceptible to have early onset neonatal sepsis.

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