Sajid Maqbool, Shaheen Razaque.
Pediatric out patient department - experience of 5 years.
Pak Paed J Jun ;23(2):57-60.

Out of a total of 75,691 visits to the pediatric outpatient department of Sheikh Zayed Hospital, a tertiary care hospital in Lahore, during 1994 to 1998, 31% visits were trade for acute respiratory infection (ARI) followed by 20% for diarrheal diseases and 12% for routine checkups. A majority of visits (68%) were made by children above 1 year of age. Malnutrition was found only in 11% of those upto 5 years of age using the weight for age criteria, reflecting the middle class drainage area. ARI and diarrheal disorders continue to remain common problems for which children are brought to the outdoor. The fact that the third commonest reason for OPD visits is routine checkups speaks well for the importance being attached to preventive aspects of child care.

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