Naseem Abbas.
Dysphagia after Tonsillectomy: a case report with a review of literature.
Pak Paed J Jun ;23(2):77-8.

A 9 years old female patient was having persistent dysphagia, vomiting and drooling after tonsillectomy. There was no history of dysphagia and vomiting before the operation. Twenty four hours after operation she was brought to the emergency department of Mayo Hospital, Lahore. On taking detailed history, it was found that before stopping her oral intake for operation the patient took a heavy meal containing meat. The oral intake remained stopped for 6 hours before operation during which she remained asymptomatic but after the operation she was having persistent dysphagia, vomiting and drooling. Investigations revealed the presence of a big bolus near (he lower end of oesophagus, It was removed under general anaesthesia with the help of rigid oesophagoscope.

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