Hafiza Maryam Mukhtar, Misbah Shaheen, Ayesha Ashraf, Attofa Afzel, Mehr Un Nisa, Hafiza Sidra Yaseen.
Tuberculosis in geriatric patients.
J Contemporary Pharm Jun ;5(2):69-74.

Tuberculosis is developing as a noteworthy medical problem in geriatrics. The indications are frequently nonparticular and prompt postponed finding. Propelled infection state exhibit at the time of determination and regularly the analysis made at autopsy instead of amid life. Aging factors and presence of co-morbidities additionally modify the clinical picture. The doctors need a high record of doubt for the finding of tuberculosis in regards to geriatric patients give non-particular and misty side effects. Extraordinary consideration must be given to the observing for patients consistence with treatment, reactions of medications and medication associations.

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