Fatima Ali Raza Mughal, Nabeela Fazal Babar, Raima Asif, Arsalan Manzoor Mughal, Naila Azam, Mehwish Riaz.
Influence of Electronic Media on the spread of Information and Development of Opinion Related to Covid-19 among the Medical Students of Islamabad.
Pak J Public Health Jun ;11(4):274-8.

Background: The objectives of this study were to assess the role played by and the impact of electronic media in the formation of viewpoints for COVID-19 among medical students of Foundation University, Islamabad. Methods: After obtaining ethical approval, we conducted a cross-sectional study using non-probability consecutive sampling over a period of 06 weeks. A 28 closed-ended item questionnaire was used to collect data from students of first to final year MBBS. Data was analysed using SPSS version 20. Results: Out of 232 respondents, 26.3% were male and 73.3% were female. Nearly all (99.6%) had access to electronic media, and the majority (93.5%) received information and updates about COVID-19 through it. Most students (91.8%) felt that it is the right tool to spread awareness regarding COVID-19, and 90.5% felt it could help slow the spread of disease by promoting healthy behavioural practices. Most (80.2%) concurred that electronic media has a more beneficial than harmful influence on its users during the pandemic. However, 70.3% of students felt that unverified and exaggerated news resulted in fear, panic and stress. More female students believed that electronic media promoted panic buying (85.9%, p = 0.03), leads to mental health problems (84.8%, p = 0.014), hence requires regulation (93.5%, p = 0.03) compared to male students. Conclusion:   Electronic media played an important role in the spread of information regarding COVID-19. However, regulation of the integrity and volume of information is required to prevent panic, stress and fear.

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