Kauser Aftab Khan, Sumair Anwar, Zubia Qureshi, Yasmin Fatima.
Educational and Professional Differences in Working Women Marriages and their Effects on Life Satisfaction in Gujranwala City, Pakistan.
Pak J Public Health Jun ;11(4):249-54.

Background: A high level of marital contentment is a measure of marital success. The objectives of this study were to determine whether there is a relationship between marital contentment and independent variables of education and the profession of couples. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 113 participants in 2019. All participants included in this study were working women’s and married for at least six months belonging to the northern part of the city, Gujranwala. Data was entered and analyzed in SPSS version 21. Results: The majority of the couples i.e., 63.7% had the same level of education in terms of years and equivalence, while 49.6% are in the same profession. About 59.3% of women were satisfied in terms of their marital life. There was no statistically significant relationship between marital contentment, education level, and profession. Conclusion: Most of the couples had the same level of education in terms of years and equivalence, while about half are in the same profession.  Most of them were satisfied in their life.

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