Zeba Ahmed, Jawaid Alam, Shabih H Zaidi.
Laryngeal Cancer surgery techniques, management and complications.
Pak J Otolaryngol Jun ;19(4):41-3.

Management of laryngeal cancer experienced a vital change during the last few decades. Indeed laryngeal cancer is a significant malignancy as it also has high cure rate. Surgery is an effective economical mode of treatment in our country, where facilities of time duration of study other modalities such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy are not uniformly available. This study evaluates the different surgical techniques, management and post operative complications of 50 cases of laryngeal carcinoma. Total laryngectomy was the commonest operation i.e in 31 cases (62%). The commonest complication was found to be pharyngocutaneous fistula (18%). 72% patients were living disease free, 20% patients were living with disease and 8% patients expired in follow up period, of 3 years. It was concluded that radical surgery is still the most suitable modality of treatment in our environment where we deal advanced pathology.

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