Mehwish Ayyaz, Salman Javed, Amna Khanum, Fatima Khanum.
Narrative Analysis of Clinician\'s Perception on Professionalism: a Multicentric Study.
Pak J Med Res Jun ;61(2):84-8.

Background: Professionalism is the most debated area especially in medical sciences, evidence is shown by clinical competence, excellence in practice, mastery, autonomy, exercising professional judgment and self-regulation.. Study type, settings & duration: This multicentric qualitative study was conducted at three teaching hospitals of Lahore: Lady Aitchison Hospital, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital and Services Institute of Medical Sciences from January 2021 to March 2021.   Methodology: Phenomenological Qualitative research method was chosen. The views of consultants were explored by narrative analysis. A self-designed proforma was given to 31 participants to answer open ended questions about professionalism in detail exploring their views about professional behaviours, methods of teaching, evaluation, promotion and any deficient area of professionalism in their set up. Results: The data collected was analysed narratively by segregating data into codes. Five codes were made.1. Professional behaviours and attitudes. 2. Teaching professionalism 3. Evaluating professionalism 4. Promoting professionalism 5. Deficient areas of professionalism. Each code was then transcribed into five to seven themes. Conclusion: On the basis of narrative analysis of consultant views, it can be concluded that this area needs further attention and there is dire need to include professionalism in undergraduate and postgraduate curricula so it can be practiced from start of medical training.

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