Varda Hussain, Anoosha Waseem, Ramsha Khalid, Kaynat Siddique, Muhammad Waseem Ullah Khan, Momina Akram.
Cantilevered resin bonded bridge: a conservative approach to restore periodontally compromised teeth- a case report..
Professional Med J Jun ;29(11):1745-9.

Multiple treatment options are available for replacement of a missing anterior tooth, each with its own pros and cons. This case report aims to describe the use of a conservative and cost-effective approach for replacing a missing mandibular anterior tooth with periodontally compromised abutment teeth. Here we describe a case in which a single abutment tooth was minimally prepared for a Cantilevered Metal Resin-Bonded Fixed Partial Denture. This report provides a brief literature review regarding the success rates and various designs for resin-bonded fixed prosthesis. It also emphasizes on proper case selection for better long-term prognosis. The results after 1 year follow up of this case demonstrated optimal clinical success of the restoration which encourage the use of this minimally invasive technique for replacing missing teeth.

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