Tahira Liaquat, Eyyaz Khaleel, Tahir Bashir.
Association of H pylori and Morphological Changes in Mucosa of Esophagus and Gastric Antrum in patients with Dyspepsia.
Esculapio J Services Inst Med Sci Jun ;15(1):50-3.

Objective: To find association between H pylori and morphological changes in mucosa of oesophagus and gastric antrum in Patients having dyspepsia. Methods: 169 patients presenting to outpatient department of Medical units of Lahore General Hospital and services hospital Lahore with symptoms of dyspepsia were included in the study. This study was conducted at Pathology Department of Post Graduate Medical Institute. Endoscopy of all included patients was done in the medical unit, services hospital and endoscopic biopsies from distal esophagus and gastric antrum were taken simultaneously. Results: Out of 169 patients 31 were H. Pylori positive, 30 (96.8%) cases were with chronic inflammation, 22 (70.9%) cases with neutrophil infiltration, 21 (67.7%) case atrophic changes, 4 (12.9%) cases with metaplasia/dysplasia and 01 (3.2%) case was with malignancy. Conclusion: Dyspeptic patients with H. pylori infection in esophageal mucosa are prone to develop morphological changes, however, histopathological changes inoesophageal and gastric mucosa of such patients are present in both H. Pylori positive and negative subjects but more in H. Pylori negative cases.

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