Ejaz Ahmed, Muhammad Adil Iftikhar, Muhammad Sajjad, Maliha Javaid Butt, Hammad Aslam Butt, Saira Tayyab, Waqar Hameed Ghazi, Hamad-ur Rehman.
Motorcycle Wheel Spoke Injuries around Heel in Children Evaluation of Risk factors, Different Treatment Modalities, Public Awareness and its Preventive Measures ; a Prospective study.
Esculapio J Services Inst Med Sci Jun ;15(4):376-9.

Objective: To limit the wastage of hospital resources, increase public awareness and to recommend the preventive measures for these injuries. Methods: Prospective observational study was conducted in Pediatric Surgery Department, Services Institute of Medical Sciences, Services Hospital Lahore. All children from age 2 years to 12 years with wheel spoke injuries around ankle joint during July 2016 to December 2018 were enrolled. Results: Total of 100 patients enrolled and their relevant data was recorded showing different risk factors. Management was planned according to type of injury and preventive measures like wheel guard for motor bikes were advised. Conclusions: By educating people and ensuring safety measures these injuries can be prevented, hospital resources can be saved and extra economic burden on our health system as well as psychological trauma to the community can be minimized.

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