Amir Hamza Khan, Parivash Anwar, Nehal Sher Khan, Rana Saad Bin Sohail.
\"Endocrown\" a Major Paradigm Shift in Restorative Dentistry: a Case Report.
J Bahria Uni Med Dental Coll Jun ;13(2):147-9.

Endocrowns are a conservative and aesthetic treatment option for restoration of extensively destructed posterior teeth. The main advantage is the fact that there is no need for imprudent preparation of the access cavity as done for post and core buildups. Moreover, the clinical visits are less time-consuming and less frequent unlike the ones for post and core buildups and subsequent crown preparation. This case report features the case of a coronally damaged maxillary first molar treated by zirconium endocrown following endodontic treatment.

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