Sharmeen Shahid.
Comparison between Bagolini Striated Glasses and Worth Four Dot Test in Assessment of Fusion and Suppression in patients with Strabismus.
Pak J Ophthalmol Jun ;39(1):29-30.

This cross sectional study was conducted at the Mayo Hospital Lahore from January 2019 to April 2019 to find out difference and agreement between Bagolini Striated Glasses and Worth Four Dot Test in assessment of fusion and suppression in patients with strabismus. Fifty patients with strabismus, with visual acuity of >= 0.6 Log Mar and at least 4 years of age were included. Fusion and suppression were assessed with Bagolini Striated Glasses (BAG) and Worth Four Dot Test (W4DT) at 1/3 meter. Forty-one patients were able to perform W4DT and forty-five patients performed BAG. There were 9 patients who were unable to demonstrate results with W4DT. There were 5 patients who could not demonstrate BAG. Fisher exact test showed 0.570 Exact sig. (2 sided) that exhibited an insignificant difference in the results of the two techniques. Cohens kappa test showed -0.180 which indicated poor agreement between the two tests.

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