Muhammad Imran, Muhammad Touqeer Hanif, Waseem Abbas, Amjad Bilal, Sara Siddiqi, Syed Ali Hassan Rizvi.
The New Normal: History and Impact of Pandemics.
Biomedica Jun ;37(1):4-11.

Fear is one of the psychological emotions that humans adapt to a potentially threatening situation, but when this fear is not calibrated well to the situation, it can become maladaptive. For instance, in the present wave of pandemic, the panic over the year is excessive, there may have deteriorating effects both on the individuals and the society. At individual level for example mental health problems and social anxiety may be seen, and at the level of society panic shopping, xenophobia, decline in the economy may well be noted. Pandemics have been seen in the history in many eras. They have brought about enormous changes in the existing world through ages. This rapid narrative review summarizes various aspects of the many pandemics in the history.

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