Hafsa Farooq, Muhammad Awais Abid, Ambreen Butt, Mujahid Israr, Imran Khan, Tayyab Mehmood.
Histopathological Frequency of Helicobacter Pylori among patients of Dyspepsia.
Ann King Edward Med Uni Jun ;28(4):433-6.

Background: The condition known as dyspepsia, commonly referred to as indigestion, is characterized by the pain or discomfort in upper abdomen, most frequently occurring after ingestion of food or drinking. Following receiving treatment for H. pylori, many patients diagnosed have dyspepsia do show signs of improvement. Objective: To determine the histopathological frequency of Helicobacter Pylori (H pylori) in patients presenting with dyspepsia in a tertiary care hospital. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in a teaching hospital, Lahore. The study duration was six months from October 2018 to April 2019. A total of 85 cases aged 18-70 years, presenting with dyspepsia and of either gender, were included. After taking written informed consent, patients underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Biopsy samples were obtained, which were sent to the pathology laboratory of the hospital to assess the presence of H. pylori. All of the information was put into a study proforma and analyzed by SPSS version 21. Results: The mean age of patients was 44.67+-14.67 years. Males were 59 (69.4%) and females were 26 (30.6%). The BMI of patients was approximately 24.77+-4.94kg/m2. The mean duration of dyspepsia was 9.99+-5.08months. There were 62 (72.9%) patients who had H. pylori, while 23 (27.1%) patients did not have H. pylori. Conclusion: As per the study conclusion, H. pylori was observed to be highly frequent among patients presenting with dyspepsia.

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