Hameed A.
Acceptability of inhalers in Karachi.
Pak J Chest Med Jun ;8(1):39-43.

Inhalers are the first line treatment for Bronchial asthma. Despite recommendation by all international bodies, many myths about inhalers persist in our physicians & patients. This study was conducted to quantify the problem of non-acceptability of inhalers in our population and to identify reasons for it. One hundred patients of adult age group (52 Males & 48 Females) with obstructive airway disease/asthma were recruited for the study. Fourteen (14) patients rejected this form of treatment and further 27 patients, out of remaining 86, either defaulted from follow-up or did not comply with the treatment. The overall compliance was 59%. Acceptability was found to be higher in males, with increasing age and severity of illness. Young females had the lowest acceptance for this form of treatment. There are many misconceptions about inhalers in our population; they are associated with severe asthma and thought to have serious side effects. They are perceived as habit forming and there is also anxiety about their high costs. To remove this negative image of inhaled form therapy, we need to address these concerns in our asthma control programs.

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