Yasmeen Gul, Noman Sadiq Corresponding Author, Nasrin Mumtaz.
Unraveling Ovarian Fibroma: a Diagnostic Journey in an Infertile 38-Year-Old Women.
J Bahria Uni Med Dental Coll Jun ;13(4):305-7.

A 38-year-old woman approached with nine months of abdominal pain, discomfort, concerns regarding infertility therapy, and a history of laparotomy 3 years prior for suspected ectopic pregnancy. The patient has a history of normal menstrual cycles and a body mass index of 22. She was hospitalised for additional testing after a transvaginal ultrasound revealed a mass in the right ovary. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a right ovarian multifocal fibrosing tumour with no ascites. The right ovary tumours were removed through a laparotomy, while at least half of the left ovary was saved for potential future fertility. Histopathology analysis of the tissue samples confirmed the presence of a right ovarian sex cord-stromal tumour. The presence of calcification in the fibroma and the presence of cells that lack mitotic activity, nuclear atypicality, or necrosis establish the diagnosis of ovarian fibroma. The patient did well following surgery and began menstruating normally at her one-month post-op checkup. Keywords: Ectopic Pregnancy, Fibroma, Infertility, Ovarian Tumour

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