Tayyaba Azhar, Kainat Javed, Kinza Aslam, Maimoona Nasreen, Syeda Tehseen Fatima.
Exploring the Educational Environment in an Online Certificate Program.
J Sharif Med Dent Coll Jun ;9(2):51-5.

Objective: To explore the perceptions of postgraduate students regarding the e-learning educational environment of Certificate in Health Professions Education (CHPE). Methodology: This descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out at the University College of Medicine & Dentistry, Lahore. A total of 250 students were included in this study. Out of 250 students, 209 students filled out the questionnaire. Non-randomized purposive sampling was used. A pre-validated e-learning educational atmosphere measure (EEAM) questionnaire was used. A Google form link for the questionnaire was shared in the WhatsApp groups of CHPE students. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23. Results: Out of 209 participants, 88(42.1%) were males and 121(57.9%) were females. The results indicated positive perceptions across various factors assessed by the EEAM questionnaire. The majority of the participants (86.2%) found the programme effective and 84.8% were satisfied with the teaching quality. Students responded positively to the questions regarding ethics & professionalism (88.1%), learner support (64.1%), and safety & convenience (82.7%). Conclusion: Students have positive perceptions regarding programme effectiveness, teaching quality, ethics & professionalism, learner support, and safety & convenience. Furthermore, the EEAM is a comprehensive tool that captures various aspects of the e-learning environment and provides a holistic view of the educational atmosphere. Keywords: Online learning. COVID-19. Students.

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